
Showing posts from October, 2021


Turkey's Interest Rate is going to 0. And I am serious.      Erdogan wants people to have access to affordable money all the time, so nobody starves for food, clothing and housing. Erdogan will keep lowering rates up to 0, if need be.      But, Turkish Lira will collapse towards USD, right? Right, but he thinks he can handle it gradually with some help from other countries.      You see folks, there is a belief that USD will no longer be global currency soon. And the current breakdown of supply chains has reinforced that belief. But, first we ought to understand how USD became global currency. That came from Eurodollar System. The Eurodollar System was created unintentionally due to transfer of USD to Europe after WW2 to rebuild it, as offshoot of Marshall Plan. Europeans and then the world started using USD for trade among each other. So, all of a sudden the demand for USD became voracious for decades and decades globally, which led to USD ...


LAW OF ENTROPY AND INTEREST RATES - PHYSICS & THEOLOGY link thread opens on twitter Feb 18, 2016 Two factors are need simultaneously to have a stable economy: 1) Cheap energy 2) High interest rates Cheap energy is required in order to satisfy the Law of Entropy. High interest rate is required to satisfy Human Condition Humans will not over produce unless their over production makes money out of money. Humans operate via profit logic Acceptably high interest rate incentivizes current Human Condition of over producing in order to convert that over production to money Over production = Economic expansion. There is no other way to expand the economy, only over producing expands it Humans over produce only if they can make a Profit out of it, otherwise why over produce? Hence only acceptably high interest rates, meaning a minimum of 4%, would make people over produce, hence economic expansion Humans are wired to act by making a Profit anything they do A man goes after a hot woman for s...