
Showing posts from February, 2022


 Twitter thread on Twitter here Twitter thread HTML version on ThreadReaderApp here. Putin #krisonomics teaches that there is no such thing as PUTINISM. Putin is doing exactly what most Russians want him to do, seize control of The Jerusalem Of Russians, Holy Kievan Rus, in their mindset. 1/2  Since Joe Biden (as representative of Washington DC consensus) is defending Kyiv successfully thus far, Putin, in case of immediate failure to seize Kyiv and a ceasefire, would resort to Tactical Nukes and Asymmetric War, in the next few weeks or months. 2/3  Putin's strategy is that the West, due to breakdown of supply chains, will eventually give up. Putin and Patriarch Kirill think that Christian Jihad is a stronger theology than Western Liberalism. 3/4  Whereas Putin's and Kirill's expectations came out true for Europeans, American Liberalism seems to stand strong as superior theology vs Christian Jihad from Moscow, which is de facto endorsed by Official Christianity by mea...


  Siç e kam thënë dhe disa herë përpara , Evropa në kundërshtim me atë që donte Amerika, krijoi 4 Mini Jugosllavi në Ballkan pas rënies së Jugosllavisë. Këto 4 Mini Jugosllavi janë, Bosnja, Maqedonia, Mali i Zi dhe Kosova. Në këto 4 shtete fallco, etnitë që urrejnë njëra tjetrën janë detyruar që të jetojnë bashkë si rrjedhojë e financimit dhe imponimit me forcë të Evropës dhe Amerikës, ndonëse Amerika nuk ishte dakord, si rrjedhim përcaktimi i këtyre 4 shteteve fantazmë si Mini Jugosllavi me multi etnicitet të imponuar, jo me dëshirë dhe konsensus. Fakti është që Ballkani është në Evropë gjeografikisht (por jo idelogjikisht), kështu që pa përfshrjen e Evropës Amerika nuk mund të bënte shumë. Siç e kam shpjeguar më përpara, Demokracia Liberale vdiq me fitoret e Trump dhe Macron në 2016 dhe 2017 duke u zëvendësuar gradualisht me Nacionalizmin e Krishterë. Gradualiteti i rritjes së Nacionalizmit të Krishterë triumfoi tani me Rusinë që sulmoi Ukrainën dhe Serbinë që përkrah Rusinë në ...


 TWITTER THREAD HERE HTML THREAD HERE ON THREADREADERAPP Ukraine and Christian Jihad Thread 1/  Christians killing Christians in Ukraine is the end point of Christian Jihad which started with Yugoslavia wars in the 1990s. Serb Church openly genocided, raped and killed Croats, Bosniak Muslims and Albanians in the name of Christ, doing Christian Jihad. 2/  No influential global Christian leader bothered to stop Christian Jihad that serb Church was implementing. Patriarchate of Constantinople, Catholic Church, Anglican church and all major protestant churches called for Talks and Negotiations, de facto endorsing Christian Jihad 3/  Whereas the Pope, the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archbishop of Canterbury etc supported Serb Christian Jihad by silence, some like Archbishop of Greece at the time supported openly genocide, rape and killings that the Patriarch of Serbia was leading in Christ's name 4/  European Elite supported Christian Jihad as Europe itself was c...


 After my thread about Ukraine viewed 677 times thus far , here's another thread about what is going on in Caesar Putin's mind, as he saw Milosevich fall from grace for failing to achieve something for Holy Heavenly Serbia. Twitter thread here. HTML thread on Thread Reader App here. European Woke Elite is surprised they are even talking about war, let alone imminent Invasion. This is what happens when regarding theology as useless. #krisonomics understands it, because I see it all theologically, and so I explain it to Twitter friends. 1/ Analysts cannot even fathom as to how 190 thousand Russians readily accept to go and invade another country and their mothers and families tv and drink vodka uncaring about their sons dying. 2/  Western Elite and analysts think that all Russians are like the ones in downtown Moscow or St. Petersburg, in the same way that they thought that Serbs in 1992 are like Norwegians. They disregard entirely the Theology of Christian Jihad w...


Twitter thread here. HTML thread here Okay, Greek Catholics, THREAD 1/ When I was member of Albanian Orthodox Youth in the 1990s, we used to have Bible Study with a very holy monk from Mount Athos, he was called Father Theologos. The man was truly a walking saint. 2/  I remember seeing Fr. Theologos very upset only twice. 1) Old Calendarist orthodox christians. He called them: LUNATICS. 2) The Uniate: He called them Backstabbers. 3/  When I was in Toronto, during the first year of orthodox masters with the University of Sherbrook, we had 2 Ukrainian Greek Catholics in the group. We had, 3 professors, Richard Schneider, Fr. Andreas Andreopoulos, Fr. Pavlos Koumarianos. 4/  The behavior of Richard Schneider was normal, he was a former orthodox jew, turned protestant, turned catholic, turned orthodox, historian, teach church history. But, the behavior of Fr. Andreas and Fr. Pavlos was different (Fr. Andreas was not a priest at the time though). 5/  They both kept someho...


YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslavia died in 1991 but Yugoslavism still lives on. We still have 4 mini-Yugoslavias, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia. 1/  Only Slovenia and Croatia have quit Yugoslavism for good, Slovenia because it had no Serbs, and Croatia because it .........crushed the Serbs. Keyword: Serbs 2/  The other 4 mini-Yugoslavias have, you guessed it, a Serb problem. 1) Bosnia - Serbs don't want to live with bosniaks and croats. 2) Kosovo - Serbs don't want to live with Albanians 3) Montenegro - Serbs don't accept Montenegrins exist as separate nation 3/  4) North Macedonia - it is a canonical territory of the Serb Church, a % of North Macedonian speaking people have actually serb background and go to serb churches. North Macedonia has other extra issue which come from the fact that it is fake. 4/  These 4 mini-Yugoslavias were guaranteed stability by United States and the European Union, based on the ideology of Liberalism. And they functioned generally ...