The mindset that the world has no choice but to use USD for global trade is theologically untenable. The idea that the world can ad infinitum continue to ship goods and services to USA in exchange for NOTHING (electronic dollars), because otherwise their own trade and economy would collapse, is an entrenched religious belief in the entire Western World. There is a group of core anti American countries which have created a loose alliance to de-dollarize themselves, even at the expense of self destruction. They no longer want to be controlled by USD. This is theologically tenable, that is how humans usually function historically. The alliance is Russia-China-Iran-Turkey-Serbia. These countries have a current history of self destroying just NOT to be dependent on the United States of America. Serbia Serbia destroyed itself consciously be declaring war to Croatians, Bosniaks and Albanians after the disintegration of Yugoslavia in 1991. It lost all these wars. And they still don't care,...