US DEBT IS ......0

 Current US federal government debt stands at $29 trillion.

I would like to explain the concept of Federal Debt, just the mechanics of it, not how money is created.

$29 trillion Federal Debt means that the World gave ELECTRONICALLY $29 trillion to the US. Government, by buying US Treasuries.

Theoretically and practically, should all lenders demand their money tomorrow, the US Government can electronically INSTANTLY create on computers $29 trillion and deposit them on lenders electronic accounts, thus making the debt instantly .................0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Get it, folks?

US Federal Debt is about management of Stock and Flow of Dollars available, not about.........Debt or Government Spending.

The US can create an infinite amount of dollars instantly on computers.

Stock and Flow of Dollars is the keyword.

The entire Eurodollar system, meaning the entire world trade, depends on Stock and Flow of US dollars in circulation.

Selling US Treasuries REMOVES excess dollars from Circulation, thus.............AVODING INFLATION.

Get it, folks?

That applies for any country in the world, any country, which issues its own currency.


Now, some more details.

U.S. deposits

$11 trillion (as far as I remember)

U.S. Pension funds (savings)

$20 trillion (as far as I remember)

US trade deficits with the world

$7 trillion (as far as I know)

Quantitative Easing 

$8 trillion or so

that is more or less $46 trillion USD produced and in circulation.

The US cannot continue forever with the practice of creating electronic dollars for the world and getting real goods and services in exchange. Nobody is that stupid forever. The world would never continue this idiotic game forever. And that moment has arrived. The world is refusing to play that game now, that is why supply chains breaking down. 

Because this is now a Supply Chain War.

So, the US must absolutely reduce the quantity of dollars in circulation, and one way to do it is by selling US Treasuries, which removes dollars from circulation.

The problem is that Treasuries are now yielding 0.

So, why would the world accept dollars for real stuff any more? Hence this is now a supply chain war to end in 2040-2045.


Another addition:

To put it differently, for as long as the world accepts electronic USD on computers for real goods and services, US Federal Debt can go 100 trillion, 1000 trillion One Trillion Trillion to infinity.

The game stops when the World ceases to ship goods and services in exchange for dollars.

According to me, that game stopped in 2015, hence the current breakdown of supply chains as de facto WW3, as Supply Chain War, which is how I personally named it.


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