Turkey's Interest Rate is going to 0. And I am serious.

    Erdogan wants people to have access to affordable money all the time, so nobody starves for food, clothing and housing. Erdogan will keep lowering rates up to 0, if need be.

    But, Turkish Lira will collapse towards USD, right? Right, but he thinks he can handle it gradually with some help from other countries.

    You see folks, there is a belief that USD will no longer be global currency soon. And the current breakdown of supply chains has reinforced that belief. But, first we ought to understand how USD became global currency. That came from Eurodollar System. The Eurodollar System was created unintentionally due to transfer of USD to Europe after WW2 to rebuild it, as offshoot of Marshall Plan. Europeans and then the world started using USD for trade among each other. So, all of a sudden the demand for USD became voracious for decades and decades globally, which led to USD becoming a War Tool by the United States, using it to wage financial war against adversaries.

    The Financial War would be to deny Dollars to X country, thus disabling imports to that country, thus crippling the economy. Even Soviet Union couldn't stand up to that kind of war for too long.

    But, the game is changing now slowly. China was the first after Quantitative Easing from Federal Reserve in 2008, to avoid trade in USD, by doing currency Swaps with other countries. Currency Swaps are basically Barter Agreements between China and X country. The Russia followed up, then Iran, now Turkey.

    These countries believe US is no longer strong and it will collapse sooner or later. Erdogan believes that. That is why he decided on its own in 2015 to decouple from the US and go it alone, as if Turkey can function as an independent Regional Power. He has a point, though. Turkey is part of MINT Countries, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey. These countries are deemed to have quite a very diversified economy that global global crises won't affect them deeply. The entire world wants to do business with these countries, they are considered manufacturing hubs.

So, to sum it up thus far:

1) Erdogan believes that Turkish economy is diversified enough, he doesn't need the United States.

2) Erdogan believes that he doesn't need USD as USD will be fading gradually.

3) Erdogan believes that China, Russia, the world would love to trade with Turkey via Currency Swaps, avoiding use of USD.

    Now to the very problem Turkey has, which caused the fracture with the United States.


    The Republic of Turkey was created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (father of Turks) as a place to host European Muslims being cleansed from Europe. Ataturk, himself a Muslim Greek, invented the Turkish Identity by fabricating Turkish history, just like other Balkan countries starting with Greece, nothing unusual. The plan was similar to Greece and other countries, Turkify by force all Muslims of different ethnicities residing in Anatolia, mostly Muslim Greeks, Muslim Slavs and Muslim Armenians. As I like to say: There are no Turks in Turkey. Original Turks are in Kyrgyzstan, not in Modern Turkey. Modern Turks are Muslim Europeans.

    The project has now failed because the Kurds were never fully Turkified, the reason being that they were far too many. And here is the problem. If up to 2015, United States supported Turkey vs the Kurds, now it has changed. United States is supporting the Kurds vs Turkey, explicitly creating the Kurdish force in Syria called SDF, which Erdogan accuses of having ties with Kurdish PKK (which is true, by the way). PKK is designated as a terror organization by Turkey, US and EU.

    The Kurdish problem has obligated Turkey to go it alone, and to go it against the United States, in order to prevent the creation of any Kurdish state anywhere in the region. A Kurdish state anywhere would cause Turkish Kurds demand their own state as well, thus disintegrating Turkey. I would like to emphasize that any President, not just Erdogan, would do the exact same thing. Turkish Elite knows it that Turkey would disintegrate if anywhere a Kurdish state is created.

    So, the Kurdish problem has made Turkey now direct ADVERSARY of the United States, thus being a target of all kinds of Asymmetric War by USA, financial war being one, denial of dollars, removal from F35 program, and others we don't see and don't know about. In return, Turkey has created loose alliance with Moscow, Beijing, Teheran, Belgrade. All these countries pray to God night and day that the United States collapses, and actually they do believe that USA is fading fast.

So, final conclusions:

1) Erdogan believes that Turkish economy is diversified enough, he doesn't need the United States.

2) Erdogan believes that he doesn't need USD as USD will be fading gradually.

3) Erdogan believes that China, Russia, the world would love to trade with Turkey via Currency Swaps, avoiding use of USD.

4) United States is helping the Kurds vs Turkey. Turkey risks disintegration if a Kurdish state is created anywhere in the region.

5) Any Turkish president would do the exact same thing, not just Erdogan.

6) Turkey hopes the circle composed by Moscow, Beijing, Teheran, Ankara, Belgrade will be able to withstand the United States' denial of dollars and financial war, by doing trade among themselves, and drawing many other countries with them.



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