
Showing posts from 2022


My superb prediction for 2022 materialized. The Anti American Circle expanded their dedollarization efforts accelerating their BARTER agreements. My superb expectations for 2023: 1) US will push harder for shifting of supply chains out of China, but NOT reshoring. US is doing now Ally-Sourcing, NOT reshoring. 2) US will absolutely defend USD as global currency by raising interest rates as high as possible, in order to lure the world away from BARTERIZATION of the supply chains and global trade, that AAC, Anti American Circle, is trying to expand and ultimately achieve in the next 20 years remained of the current global Supply Chain War. 3) US will force both EU and UK to pre-agree on a deal that UK re-enters EU in some special arrangement that would make UK laws avoid being overruled by ECJ and ECHR, European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights. 4) Seeing that supply chains have already broken down, the economic situation in the West and Globally will keep deteriora...


 THURJA NË TWITTER KËTU Tirana, Prishtina dhe Beogradi Thurje Presidente Osmani @VjosaOsmaniPRKS akuzon KM Rama @ediramaal që bashkëpunon me Beogradin, dhe nga ana tjetër ajo i lutet me lot Beogradit që serbët e Kosovës të kthehen në administratë.  Kjo është diçka e re. 1/ kos_data @kos_data Replying to @KFILE @VjosaOsmaniPRKS @ediramaal Kosovo's president feels that PM Rama is too friendly with Serbia's Vucic.  She even said that Rama is justifying Serbia's policies towards Kosovo. Largimi i përkohshëm i serbëve nga administrata e Shtetit të Prishtinës, detyroi Fiset e Prishtinës (domethënë elitën klanore politike)  që të deklaronin të vërtetën hapur, pa e fshehur: Ata preferojnë të bashkëjetojnë me serbët, por kurrë me Shqipërinë. 2/ Në mënyrë të çuditshme për çdo njeri shqipfolës me 2 miligram tru, të gjithë Fiset e Prishtinës u ngritën në këmbë në panik ekstrem dhe u lëpinë të pasmet serbëve dhe Beogradit, që aman derman kthehuni në administratë. 3/ Fiset e Prish...


  TWITTER THREAD HERE WHAT IS HAPPENING It is very simple. The rest of the world refuses to supply goods and services as before to the Western World, in return for ........digits on computers, called Dollars or Euros. IT'S OVER. 1/ IT IS THAT SIMPLE. Just that simple. I've been writing about it since 2014 when I made the observation that globalism was dying from inside supply chains, as Technical Sales Engineer of HVAC equipment in Toronto, Canada. 2/ Theology tells us that supply chains break down only in one case, when humans simply refuse to supply goods and services for various reasons, one of them being ..........just because. We are there now. Global suppliers no longer want to supply goods and services as before. 3/ There are various reason why global suppliers refuse to supply goods and services as before to the West: 1) 0% interest rates 2) US military withdrawal by Obama and Trump 3) Shadow banking rehypothetication of commodities 4) They hate the West 5) Just because...


Modern European Christianity is the biggest threat to humanity in the world history . Twitter thread on twitter is here CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX NUCLEAR JIHAD Thread.  This is going to be a time consuming thread, be patient.  1/ The concept of killing and genociding in the name of the Abrahamic single God (after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ) started with Prophet Muhammad who founded Islam in the 6th century. 2/ The currently self called Catholic Church adopted that Islamic concept with the idea of crusades from 11th to 13th century, killing and genociding in Christ's name.  3/ The currently self called Orthodox Church rejected the idea of Holy Wars, genociding and killing in Christ's name, until 19th century with the creation of satanic ethno churches, starting with the terror organization called the Church of Greece.  4/ While for Islam, killing and genociding in God's name is easy to assert, as Prophet Muhammad was a far too successful military general as w...


 TWTTER THREAD HERE WITH 18 TWEETS SUPPLY CHAINS VS ENERGY Let me explain this again, here's another #krisonomics lecture for free. 1/ You've heard that OPEC wants $100 oil. That is false. It's Shadow Banking which wants $100 and higher oil, not OPEC. After all, It was Saudis who dumped dark inventory oil in March 2020 to send it to negative price. 2/ That is why OPEC from time to time sends out notices saying that oil price is really not controlled by them, but they don't mention who controls it. (Hint, it's shadow banking). 3/ The reason is very simple, and Saudis/Opec know it quite well. FIRST, PEOPLE, PLEASE STOP THINKING LINEARY. Nothing is linear in real life. 4/ The difference between $50 oil and $100 oil is NOT the mathematical 50%. The effect is 500%, it is 1000% effect on supply chains. Saudis know this, that is why they keep dumping dark inventory periodically. But, why? What do Saudis know? 5/ Except for Canada and Norway, all other major oil suppliers b...


 TWITTER THREAD HERE · DOLLAR SHORTAGE thread 1/ Watch the video enclosed in the first tweet explaining shadow banking by Lynn Stout. It was Chris Whalen which promoted that video trying to explain to twitter followers what shadow banking was. 2/ So, to keep it simple, mega financial players in shadow banking creates BETS in trillion of dollars. Let me repeat this again: INSOLVENT MEGA PLAYERS ENGAGE IN BETTING IN SHADOW BANKING. 3/ Lynn Stout explains how laws were changed to make that possible, with London being in the epicenter of it. Insolvent mega financial players create bets in shadow banking in trillions of dollars NOMINAL at extreme leverage. 4/ All corporations BET in shadow banking with mega financial players as well, as we need two sides to bet, normal. Bets are usually called Interest Rate Swaps or other derivations of interest rate derivatives, but they are all ALL dependent on interest rates. 5/ As we know in bets, one side wins, one side loses. If the losing side is...

The Question of Illyrian-Albanian Continuity and its Political Topicality Today - by A. Stipcevic

  The Question of Illyrian-Albanian Continuity and its Political Topicality Today - by A. Stipcevic The question of the ethnic and cultural continuity between the early Illyrians and the mediaeval Albanians, besides being one of the most attractive issues of Balkan history, has also acquired a political dimension in recent decades. This is not the first time such a thing has happened in history. It was the Croats who before anyone else put forward the claim of being descended from the glorious Illyrian people, to the point of identifying themselves with them and giving themselves the name of Illyrians. For centuries, the Croatian language was simply called Illyrian. It is thought that Vinko Pribojevic (Vincentius Priboevius) in the 16th century was the first to include the history of the Illyrians in what might be called a political program. Pribojevic idea; countering t...


 THURJE ME 11 TWEET NË TWITTER, KËTU Fiset barbare të prapambetura të Prishtinës Thurje Zeka: Osmani e Kurti e urrejnë UÇK-në më shumë se Gërvalla  Fiset barbare të Prishtinës po therin tani njeri-tjetrin.  Kjo më kujton pyetjen që diplomatët gjermanë i bënë Hasan Prishtinës, pse dëshiron të krijosh një komb nga këto fise barbare të prapambetura! Hasan Prishtina ju përgjigj se gjermanët kishin bërë të njëjtën gjë në 1870 me krijimin e Gjermanisë. Çështja këtu është që Prusia dhe Bavaria që kishin universitete nuk mund të krahasohen fiset barbare të prapambetura shqiptare. Ishin Ahmet Zogu dhe Enver Hoxha që shtynë shqiptarët me dhunë dhe masakra nga barbarizmi mesjetar në shekullin e 20. Pasi Tirana (Ahmet Zogu dhe Enver Hoxha) bënë të mundur që shqiptarët e ish Jugosllavisë të mos dëboheshin për në Turqi sipas marrëveshjeve, Tirana (Enver Hoxha) madje shkoi më tutje dhe vitet 1970 imponoi shqipen standarde në Shqipëri dhe ish Jugosllavi. Sigurisht që Tirana nuk mund të k...


TWITTER THREAD WITH 11 TWEETS HERE Western Narrative War = Soviet style agitprop Thread  What is happening now in the West reminds me of the AgitProp in the East Block leading to its economic implosion, when they ran out of food, literally speaking. When the economic situation deteriorated in the 1980s, Soviets went into overdrive Agitation and Propaganda, agitprop, that everything was okay and everything was getting better. Of course, agitprop narrative is not edible, neither can it be poured into a vehicle's tank as fuel.  East block economies imploded, supply chains totally collapsed, they ran out of food.  That led to its total demise in 1991. Western Leadership is doing the exact same thing now.  They are telling people that employment is up, GDP growth is up, stock market is up, all is peachy. Media is propagating the western agitprop narrative that all is dandy. This started with Obama  during the second term, Obama and Media coordinated the narrative agi...


 LINK TO 24 TWEET THREAD HERE GLOBAL ECONOMIC UPDATE My #krisonomics axiom is functioning flawlessly. Kris's Axiom: Quantitative Easing from the Federal Reserve will continue until the current global breakdown of Supply Chains caused from it, is visible to the naked eye. The flowchart here devised by me, reflecting my observations, works flawlessly. The latest MARVEL by #krisonomics QE to Inflation Flowchart We are now seeing Businesses REFUSE orders because they are absolutely unsure that Profit = Revenue - Cost will be positive. Even TARGET could not calculate Costs and Sales Prices, imagine millions of other midsize and smaller businesses. Unless a business Makes a Profit, they will simply refuse to function. If a business can't calculate its COSTS in advance, it simply cannot function. Quantitative Easing with 0% Interest rates shifted Corporations from Manufacturing Businesses to Hedge Funds operating in Eurodollar shadow banking, which functions on COLLATERAL. Collateral ...


 Lidhje në Twitter këtu. Thurje me 19 tweet. STATUSI I KOSOVËS Unë e kam riemrëruar Shtetin e Kosovës, si Shteti i Prishtinës, sepse nuk ka të bëjë më fare me shqiptarizmin, është shtet multi etnik JO SHQIPTAR, ku pakica 5% sundon mbi shumicën shqiptare 95%. Nëse shihni online termin Shteti i Prishtinës, e kam shpikur unë ME PËRBUZJE. Tani, tek Statusi. Elita e Prishtinës ua ka bërë të qartë Amerikës dhe Evropës, ata NUK DUAN QË STATUSI I KOSOVËS TË SQAROHET. Elita e Prishtinës do STATUS QUO të përhershme. Shkaku është sepse Oligarkët e Prishtinës tashmë kontrollojnë gjithë ekonominë dhe bën tregti me oligarkët e Tiranës dhe Oligarkët e Beogradit. Nëse Statusi i KS sqarohet, ata do të humbnin kontrollin ekonomik PERSONAL. Kështu që Shteti i Prishtinës shpreson që Amerika dhe Evropa do të vazhdojnë në pafundësi të financojnë Shtetin e Prishtinës me financë, ushtarë, mbrojtje, etc etc etc, dhe ata të mbretërojnë ekonomikisht. Sigurisht, politikisht në media do të shtiren sikur po mun...


  THURJE NË TWITTER ME 41 TWEET KËTU EMËRTIMET E IMPONUARA Me përhapjen e internetit në të gjithë globin nga vitet 2010, mësimi i historisë tanimë është bërë tepër i thjeshtë për jo profesionistët. Çdo zbulim i ri del menjëherë në internet, Fallsifikimi i historisë nga politika tani është i pamundur. 1/ Shumë emërtime popujsh që përdoren tani, janë thjesht IMPONIME nga Perandorët Romakë në Romë apo Konstantinopojë Roma e Re për efekt menaxhimi. 2/ Shembuj, Helen- Grek (nga Roma) Grekët vetë nuk identifikoheshin si grekë, por identifikoheshin me qytet-shtetin, si Athinas, Spartan, Teban etc. Deutsch dhe Germania - që të dy ja nga Roma. Gjermanët vetë nuk përdorin emërtim të gjerë ekzistues mbarë gjerman 3/ Magjar - Hungarez (nga Konstantinopoja Roma e Re) Iliria - nga Roma, që krijoi prefekturën e Ilirisë. Ilirët, ashtu si grekët dhe ashtu si gjithë bota, vetë identifikoheshin me fisin, jo me gjuhën që flisnin, si Taulantë, Albanë, etc. 4/ Pa asnjë problem ne mund të themi që identi...


 TWITTER THREAD HERE HTLM LINK HERE ON THREADREADERAPP Albanian Nationalism It simply doesn't exist. Albanians are naturally not nationalist. 6 years back to Tirana from Toronto and I have met only 9 nationalists. Kosovo Albanians are even more anti nationalist as they fantasize that Serbs will co-live with them in KS.  Albanian Nationalism is always reactive, never proactive. There is no strategy of inherent Albanian nationalism, and there has never been in reality, it has always been reactionary. 2/  First Albanian nationalists were the orthodox Rum Albanian elite which refused to be hellenised when Germans imposed Hellenism on Rum. Hence, Constantinople flag, Scanderbeg, national anthem, first Albanian schools were established by the orthodox Rum Albanian Nationalists. 3/  Catholics, sufi shias (Bektashi) and sunni Muslims didn't care much about Albanian nationalism while orthodox were establishing Albanian nationalism as reactionary refusal to become Greek. 4/...