My #krisonomics axiom is functioning flawlessly.

Kris's Axiom:

Quantitative Easing from the Federal Reserve will continue until the current global breakdown of Supply Chains caused from it, is visible to the naked eye.

The flowchart here devised by me, reflecting my observations, works flawlessly.

The latest MARVEL by #krisonomics

QE to Inflation Flowchart

We are now seeing Businesses REFUSE orders because they are absolutely unsure that Profit = Revenue - Cost will be positive.

Even TARGET could not calculate Costs and Sales Prices, imagine millions of other midsize and smaller businesses.

Unless a business Makes a Profit, they will simply refuse to function.

If a business can't calculate its COSTS in advance, it simply cannot function.

Quantitative Easing with 0% Interest rates shifted Corporations from Manufacturing Businesses to Hedge Funds operating in Eurodollar shadow banking, which functions on COLLATERAL.

Collateral are US Treasuries and Corporate Treasuries (discounted price to US Treasuries.)

Crude oil, gasoline, diesel, copper, aluminum, iron ore, silver etc became COLLATERAL in shadow banking, being collected and stored, not offered for consumption by the industry and the people.

Shadow Banking needs COLLATERAL to function.

Collaterization of Energy and Commodities due to 0% rates and quantitative easing, led to the chain reaction of Disruption (2013 to 2017), Breakdown (2018-2022) of supply chains.

Huge portion of Energy and Commodities now are COLLATERAL unavailable for consumption.

2nd order, 3rd order, Nth order effects are always unpredictable, so Collaterization of Commodities initiated the Disruption of supply chains which now has shifted to Breakdown phase.

Rogue players like Beijing and Moscow, uncaring about the Christian Western concept of RULE OF LAW, saw the breakdown happening, saw that the West cared about Shadow Banking only, NOT supply chains, went ahead and declared #SupplyChainWar 

The goal is self stated by them, to get rid of the American Global Supremacy, to get rid of USD as global currency.

Barter Economy is now spreading globally, to reduce the influence of USD in the Eurdollar shadow banking.

Since 2nd order, 3rd order and Nth order effects can no longer be predicted, hence they simply get out of control, per my axiom, PANIC IS SETTING IN in Washington DC.

Supply chains are shifting gradually from Breakdown to Collapse, which is exactly what Beijing and Moscow are aiming for.

Their plan is that Western populations have been sissified adequately enough that DC, EU, Canada, Australia and Japan would simply bow to them.

Putin and Jinping keep hoping that DC and EU will keep focusing on preserving Shadow Banking, thus letting supply chains end up in total collapse.

Thus far their goals have been fulfilled as the West is doing exactly that.

But, PANIC is setting in, #EnergyStarvation allowed by the West in order to preserve collaterization of Shadow Banking, is shattering supply chains, businesses refusing to take orders as they can't calculate costs, and people refusing to work, wanting gov handouts

In the meantime, Shadow Banking INSOLVENT operators keep furnishing the Media with hopes of RATE CUTS, so their collaterization can survive to the detriment of supply chains.

So, to summarize, due to Collaterization of Energy and Commodities in Shadow Eurodollar Banking since 2013 from QE and 0% Rates, a chain effect of disruption and then breakdown of supply chains occurred.

The effect is now shifting to collapse.

Businesses now are unable to calculated COSTS, hence they can't make a profit, hence they are simply refusing to produce goods and services, refusing to take purchase orders.

This has caused SHORTAGES of goods and services, hence INFLATION.

It should be self evident by now the Milton Friedmans' definition of Inflation is WRONG.

Inflation is always and at anytime a shortage of goods and services.

This is the correct definition.

As such, due to Nth order unpredictable effects, the supply chain situation is close to catastrophic.

I have said hundreds of times over the years that the situation is bad and the situation will get worse.

That happened.

My current assessment is that the situation is worse, and it will get far, far, far worse, and Nth order unpredictable effects keep appearing as Washington DC refuses to IMPLODE shadow banking to liberate Energy and Commodities into the Supply Chains.

PANIC will obligate DC to implode shadow banking via extreme rate hike and extreme dollar shortage.

As such, Energy and Commodities collaterized in shadow banking will be RELEASED for consumption in Supply Chains.

The problem will be the EVALUATION OF THE DAMAGE already done to supply chains when millions of businesses simply refusing to produce goods and servies.

On top of that, Moscow and Beijing have declared #SupplyChainWar to dethrone USA from global power.

The global supply chain situation is nothing less of atrocious.






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