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#krisonomics was the absolute first one to tell you that Putin was suffering mentally and spiritually that it was him who lost the Holy Kyivan Rus, the Jerusalem of the Rus, to the Americans.


#krisonomics told you from 2014 that supply chains were breaking down and globalization was dying while working as Sales Engineer in Toronto, seeing how quality of parts and their delivery time was dropping.


Being an individual investor (with TD Waterhouse Canada) #krisonomics told you about how Crude Oil pricing works, it's all about shadow banking.

#krisonomics told you that oil would drop to $5 per barrel, and it did.


Crude Oil Shadow Market is about Vitol, Gunvor, Glencore and Trafigura pre-bying oil and storing it onshore and offshore in order to use it as collateral for shadow interest rate swaps.

Shadow Banking is NOMINALLY valued at $1.4 quadrillion dollars, $1.4000,000,000,000,000 (the original tweet had in error 14 quadrillion)


Collateral for Shadow Banking are usually US Treasuries, Crude Oil, Coal, Aluminum, Iron Ore etc.

Chinese CCP elite is heavily involved with making money in shadow banking by collaterizing massive quantities of Iron Ore, Coal and Aluminum.


Oh, to give credits here, my analyses are all based on conversations and tweets with the inimitable Harald Malmgren and logic learned from Nassim Nicholas Taleb's series of books Incerto and his tweets.


The foundation of the conflict is the Eurodollar System.

Eurodollar system is an unintended consequence of the Marshall Plan from the United States to rebuild Europe after WW2.


Dollars were being sent to Europe in order to do actual trade, and those dollars gradually became the basis of all global trade, hence the official name Eurodollar System.


After Soviet Collapse, the group of anti humans called Banking Lobby used control of the Eurodollar System in order to collaterize global commodities to make money, by creating artificial shortages in order to make guaranteed profit.


The anti human banking elite, also convinced Congress and Western Leaders that supply chains must become global by shipping means of production to China for 25 years non stop, from 1990 to 2015.


The anti human banking elite taught Russian and Chinese elite how to get ultra filthy rich by just collaterizing commodities, thus starving global economy for energy and commodities.

Russian and Chinese CCP oligarchs became one with the anti human western banking elite.


Industrial Elite of the United States and Europe was subdued by the Banking Elite which was controlling US congress from 1991 to 2015.

In 2015 Supply Chains began breaking down as a result of the GFC, Great Financial Crisis of 2008.


After Soviet collapse a group of theologians and intellectuals in Russia, among them someone later known as Patriarch Kirill as of 2009, built e new Theology called Ruskii Mir.

Ruskii Mir was a normal theology based on Ethno-Orthodoxy.


Ethno-Orthodoxy is a Christian theology invented by western, mainly German, elite of early 19th century in order to create the Greek Nation in the way they imagined it.

King Otto created Church of Greece, splitting it from the Ecumenical Patriarchate under Sultan control.


The interpretation of ethno-orthodoxy is that Christ is with your nation/tribe against other Nations/tribes, a Christian Holy War.

Being in the Ottoman Empire, the Islamic concept of Holy War was well known and adopted.


Greeks were taught for 200 years that they are the chosen people of God, and they ended up actually believing it.

Not to be outplayed, Russia created Serb and Bulgarian churches as a reaction in the Balkans.

Particularly strong became the Serbian church.


Russian Historians, politicians and Church fantasized that Kosovo is the cradle of Serbia and created an entire satanic theology by creating the Serb Church.

Just like the Greek church, the serb Church has been teaching that Serbs are the chosen people of God.


The extreme application of teaching such satanic things occurred during former Yugoslavia wars in the 1990s when the luciferian Serb Church headed by Patriarch Pavle launched Christian Jihad against Croats, Muslim Bosnians and Albanians.


Self evidently Serb Church and Milosevich lost these holy wars, but Patriarch Kirill as part of that group of theologians and nationalists I mentioned earlier, were preparing another Holy War from Moscow.


In 2008 during the Great Financial Crisis, Putin invades parts of Georgia hoping the West won't care being busy with the financial crisis.

He was correct.

In 2009 Putin makes Kirill as Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus.


In 2014 shadow banking was collapsing. Federal Reserve resorted to QE4 in order to avoid total financial collapse like in 2008.

Putin took advantage by invading Crimea.


Seeing that the West didn't care about Invasion of Crimea, Putin thought the West was collapsing.

Another person who got convinced that the West was collapsing was Xi Jinping.


In 2014 Xi Jinping starts e supply chain war by silently taking control of means of production in China.

Cost of doing business started to creep up across the world. Some corporations started to move out of china into India and Vietnam.


The Common goal of both Putin and Jinping was to escape the Eurodollar system which controlled global economy.

Since 2015 until now they enlisted Iran, Turkey and Serbia in this global supply chain war, creating what I call the Anti American Circle, AAC.


Seeing that in 2021 breakdown of supply chains became self evident, both Putin and Jinping decided to go ahead with their goal of destroying once for all the Eurodollar system.

But, Putin had another incentive as well.


Putin was the Tzar who lost the Jerusalem of Rus, Holy Kyiv during the euromaidan revolution in Ukraine.

This is an unbearable burden for a Russian Tzar. Mentally and spiritually, losing Kyiv to Americans, made Putin as unworthy in Russian mindset, he had to recover it


Opportunity came up again in 2021-2022 when the West is too busy with supply chain breakdown. Jinping had already declared supply chain war in the congress of CPP in 2021.

Putin, like in 2008 and 2014, went ahead to retake Holy Kyiv, thinking the West will not care.


That this is self evidently a Religious War by Putin, a Christian Jihad, is made clear by the poor and sorry state of Russian military in Ukraine.

Shoigu must have made it clear to Putin the poor condition of Russian military, but Putin had something else in mind:



After stalling in Ukraine because Pentagon had armed and trained the Ukrainian military since 2014, knowing war was coming, Putin has now resorted to clear threat of using Tactical (not Strategic) Nukes.

The war is now Nuclear Christian Jihad.


This time the West took the threat seriously, closing airspace to Russian airplanes for fear of carrying tactical nuke attack.

Putin now cannot turn back.

Russians, Patriarch Kirill, expect him to deliver the Holy Kyiv to the Holy Rus.


Putin saw what happened to Milosevich for failing to achieve the creation of Holy Serbia. Patriarch Pavle removed Milosevich from power as a shame of serb orthodoxy.

Should he fail, the Russian elite will remove him from power to remain in shame like Milosevich for Serbia.


The world is now in a religious war of Nuclear Christian Jihad in Ukraine, while supply chains keep breaking down.

New world order is being gradually created from this religious conflict.


First, Shadow Banking controlled by anti human banking elite will be gradually dismantled.

Secondly, Washington DC is now entirely focused in retaking control of Europe entirely, except for Serbia, which is part of the Anti American Circle, AAC


This will mark the end of European union which is de facto a Yugoslavia on Steroids.

Thirdly, supply chains will be reformatted to reflect the current Religious War.

It will take 10 years until 2030.


During these ten years the economic pain will be great in the West and globally.

We are in a #SupplyChainWar intertwined with a Religious War, with the normal war cycle 2015-2045.


A New World Order is appearing and it will be painful for all.

Those countries which are under direct protection of the United States of America will suffer the least.


I'd like to finish this thread with the saying of St. Anastas of Tirana, orthodox archbishop of Albania:

"No war is holy. Only peace is holy."

Thank you all!




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