

We have confirmation from a well known russologist about Patriarch Kirill being one of the founders of Ruskii Mir Theology in 1993, posted on the website of an organization which Kirill himself controls.


The idea which only I insisted about, that Putin would attack on Religious Reasons, to seize Kyiv, the Jerusalem of the Rus (in their mindset), has now made the main stream media.

I am no longer dumb and stupid.


It is now self evident that Patriarch Kirill produced Putin, not vice versa.

Ideology/Theology is required for a leader to implement. Putin has no such vision.

Putin placed Kirill as Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus (official name) in 2009, as Kirill had the theology ready.


There was forshadowing of this #ChristianJihad when Milosevich and Serb Church genocided, killed and raped in the name of Christ in 1990s in the Balkans, and still deny they ever did it, they still claim they were genocided against.

Putin is Milosevich with Nukes.


Main stream media even tweaked my wording of Nuclear Christian Jihad as Nuclear Holy War.

Ah, again, please do copy my work without recognition, I only tweet out my thoughts, as twitter is my public depository of my thoughts so I don't forget them.


However, as far as Serb Church vs Russian Church, there is a difference.

Serb Church is an extension of the Russian Church in the Balkans, and both are extensions of Russian Military and Intel Apparatus.


The difference is that Russian Church claims to be the Third Rome, theology which has survived since 16th century after Constantinople New Rome, or as it is known the Second Rome, was captured by an Ottoman-Serbian alliance in 1453.


Back to the initial tweet where I show President Biden and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew as destructors of Ruskii Mir, as Patriarch Bartholomew de facto created the Ukrainian Nation (per orthodox mindset) in 2019 with the tomos for the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church.


Patriarch Kirill broke communion with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew immediately after, and started promoting the Moscow Patriarchate as de facto Ecumenical Patriarchate.


So, Patriarch Kirill has encroached into territories of other ancient patriarchates, de facto asserting on the ground that Moscow is the Third Rome, thus the True Ecumenical Patriarchate.

This makes Russian Church different from the Serb Church.


Unlike the Serb Church which is a church of Satan which kills, genocides and rapes in the name of Christ openly, Russian Church pretending to be the Ecumenical Patriarchate - Third Rome, cannot do that as openly as the Serb Church, as global media would notice it.


Kirill did say something about evil enemies or something like that, but Putin de facto, thus far, has NOT destroyed any city in Ukraine similar to Grozny in Chechnia, where he bombed men, women, children indiscriminately.


The reason is simple, Putin wants to be seen as Liberator, not Invader.

Putin and Kirill cannot possibly bomb Kyiv to deletion, like Grozny, as that would be similar to Muslims bombing Mecca to deletion, or Jews bombing Jerusalem. to deletion, Kyiv as Jerusalem of Rus.


So, thus far, Russian Church has not gone as satanic as Serb Church, thus far at least, very restrained.


On the other hand, we are seeing that Putin's propaganda has been successful at convincing most of the Russian (non-European mindset) Public that Ukraine needs to be liberated by the Nazis which control it.

Historically the Nazis are the Greek-Catholics, centered in Lviv.


Of course, the European mindset Russians, clustered in Moscow downtown and St. Petersburg downtown are against the war, but that is easy for Putin to suffocate.

Putin created in 2016 the National Guard which is his personal military with 340 thousand soldiers.


By having a legal private military under his command, Putin keeps in check anybody who might have strange thoughts of coup, as his soldiers would wipe out the families of anybody contemplating such things.

So, coup is impossible.


What we are seeing is Russian military equipment is atrocious, and their maintenance supply chain is also atrocious.

There are rumors that Shoigu is dumping old equipment and new stuff coming next, but we shall find out if true or not.


What we are seeing is that Shoigu and Gerasimov are holding this territory.

Territory includes or has surrounded the ultra important Motor Sich Company, which Ross Kennedy (@man_integrated ) has been informing us about.



Shoigu and Gerasimov self evidently are stuck where they are, because Preside Biden defended Ukraine very hard thus far (forget Zelenskyy), so Putin is no longer (for now) demanding the Kyiv surrenders.

This is self evidently proves that Putin is sane.


It looks like Putin can't advance for now, but he has these territories and he ain't leaving.

Self evidently he is doing truce talks in order to regroup and attack later, as nobody trusts him anymore.


The other aspect we are seeing are the sanctions.

Putin is not caring about the sanctions at all, as of course he expected those.

I have written about AAC, Anti American Circles, aiming at moving out of the eurodollar system, Beijing-Moscow-Teheran-Ankara-Belgrade.


I spent few hours reading commentary from the utmost Eurodollar expert who educates the public, Jeffrey Snider @JeffSnider_AIP

Mr. Snider has discovered that there are no truly sanctions on Russian banks, Putin easily keeps trading in dollars.


SWIFT Isn't The 'Nuclear Option' For Russia, Because The World Is Eurodollar Not Dollar

As everyone “knows”, the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency which can only leave the US government in control of it. Participation is both required and at the pleasure of American authorities. …

It is self evident that Putin has been preparing for a long war, 2-3 years, on and off, attack, seize territory, seek truce, regroup.

During these 2-3 years, Putin thinks that Russia will survive financially and economically by trading with China, India, Turkey etc.


What Putin is relying on, is that the Western Public will not bear the pain and suffering of supply chains furthering their breakdown, thus causing economic havoc to westerners.

Sooner or later, Westerners will demand their govs to pay attention to them, not Ukraine.


This is self evidently slowly happening in the West, as all prices are going higher and higher, and unaffordability is rising fast.

Putin is convinced that Russians easily would outpain the Westerners in 2-3 years of war.


I predict that sooner or later, Biden and Western Governments will shift Ukraine out of the news cycle, so they could help Ukraine outside of the public eye, otherwise Ukraine collapses in the hands of Putin, Shoigu and Gerasimov.


All in all, I am convinced that the world is now being rewired, New World Order will appear at the end of this 2-3 year on and off war in Ukraine.

29/ end





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