Trump and Macron have forced the political class in Kosovo to re-start the obligatory and unstoppable process of gradual Christianization of the Albanian historiography.

    The Albanian media has not noticed, but President Macron in France has started a secular "crusade" against Islam for some time already. President Macron no longer uses the word Radicalism when talking about Islamic Terrorism. This even forced Turkish President Erdogan himself to openly accuse President Macron of being a crazy anti-Islamist who needs mental medical treatment.

    However, the Albanian political class in Northeastern Albania (known as Kosovo) has begun the reaction on the ground. President Trump caused an earthquake in Albanian-speaking territories by placing Albanians entirely as an ethnic group in the Middle East following the ridiculous agreement between Prime Minister Hoti of Northeastern Albania and President Vucic of Serbia mediated by Ambassador Richard Grenell.

    Busts of the Albanian national hero George Kastrioti Skanderbeg are rapidly rising in Northeastern Albania (known as Kosovo), and even the Foreign Minister of Northeastern Albania Meliza Haradinaj-Stublla attended the erection ceremony of a monument to the Hungarian anti-Islamic and anti- Turkish Janos Hunyadi in the courtyard of a Catholic church in Prizren.

    The phenomenon of the Christianization of History is a standard practice in the Balkans that began with the creation of the Greek state by the Western European Elite with the German King Otto, and the phenomenon of the Islamization of History is a standard practice in what is now Turkey created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923 .

    The only exception in this process is in Albania, where historiography was completely stripped of its religious character during the period of Enver Hoxha, who practically created the current Albanian Historiography in the academic point of view, almost completely stripped of any analysis related to religion.

    However, the insistence that Albanians are Westerners, and not Arabs or Muslim Turks of the Middle East, did not escape the regime of Enver Hoxha either, allowing the only world-famous Albanian writer Ismail Kadare to present in his translated books all over the world, Skanderbeg as a Catholic, as a bridge to strengthen the European identity of Albanians, at a time when the Chams in Greece were being expelled as Turks and not Albanians, and Albanians in Yugoslavia were being expelled as Turks and not as Albanians as a long standing agreement between Greece, Yugoslavia and Turkey for the extermination of Albanians.

    It is normally known all over the world that Skanderbeg was what is now called Orthodox, and the Albanian flag is a Roman-Orthodox flag, a fact that 99.9% of Albanians do not know yet, for various reasons, justifiable and unjustifiable.

    The terms Orthodox and Catholic are terms that were born as faras Identity in the 19th and 20th centuries as a result of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, with which Albanian historiography does not deal at all.

    This phenomenon of the resumption of the Christianization of Albanian Historiography has necessarily irritated those few Muslims who have remained in the Albanian-speaking territories, who are openly complaining that they are being persecuted by the Albanian Secularists.

    To clarify the situation now, Albanians are an Agnostic majority, and only a very small part of the population practices a religion, Christian or Islamic. Secularists control the entire educational, legal and academic system of Albanians from Mitrovica to Saranda. In the article published in Le Monde Diplomatique - Albanian, October 2020 entitled "Between the identification of religion and the religiosity of identity", an open complaint is made by Albanian Muslims that the Albanian-speaking system is completely anti-Islamic and so on.

    Secularism is practically part of the constitution of Albania and Northeastern Albania (known as Kosovo), and therefore it is very strange why Religion is included as a question in the Censuses made, when the government never makes any financial or educational policy regarding religion. This is a remnant of the Millet System of the Ottoman Empire, where ethnic identity did not exist legally, and all financial and cultural policy was done on the basis of religion.

    In practice, the question of religion in the censuses in Albanian-speaking territories is not only anti-constitutional, but also anti-Albanian. Albania's ridiculous census in 2011, massively boycotted by the population due to disagreements of various political players, is indicative of this problem.

    In the next censuses, if they are made, and if they are made serious, which requires a lot of funding which the Albanian states do not have yet, religion must be removed because it no longer reflects the extreme secular agnostic reality of Albanians from Mitrovica to Saranda.

Ektrit Kris Manushi


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